The C6 Special Cover "Victory for Ukraine!" is a must-have for any cover collector or enthusiast who loves to connect with people from all over the world. This product is perfect for those who are passionate about human interaction and connection via travel, just like you!
The target audience of this product includes anyone who loves to collect covers, especially those interested in Ukrainian culture and history. The mood of this product is celebratory and patriotic, as it commemorates Ukraine's victory in a significant event that holds cultural significance.
A collector item made in the post office of the City Victoria - Brasov County (Romania) - in the special date of 24 February 2023, when was commemorating one year from non-sense war started by Russia in Ukrainel
An historical item - bearing the date of 24.02.2023, on a real stamp issued by Romania - Face Value 3 Lei (local internal tarrif for a simple letter up to 50 grams is 2,9 lei)
On the cover is printed ПЕРЕМОГА (Victory for Ukraine) making an intersting coincidence with the name of the City - Victoria (written on the postmark) - Romanian Language -meaning, of course, Victory.
The cover is privately made - is not available in stores!
Very Limited stock availability.