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Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Book: Titina and friends around the world - European Union - top quality approved by specialists Vente

Book: Titina and friends around the world

9.99 € 14.99 €
Book: Titina and friends around the world| Postcards Market is a perfect product for anyone who loves to travel, explore new cultures, and connect with people from all over the world. This book is not just a collection of postcards but also an inspiring story about friendship, adventure, and discovery.

The target audience for this product includes travelers of all ages who are passionate about exploring new places and meeting new people. It's also ideal for those who love to collect postcards as souvenirs or use them as a means of communication with their loved ones.

The mood of this product is adventurous yet heartwarming. The theme revolves around human connection through travel experiences that inspire us to see beyond our differences and embrace diversity in culture.

Communication approach used by aims at bringing sunshine into every mailbox by offering unique designs that cater to different interests such as flags of the world, country maps, happy creatures like cats or national symbols like flora & fauna etc., making it easy for customers find what they're looking for!

Imagine receiving one these beautiful postcards in your mailbox from someone you met on your travels! You can feel their excitement when they wrote it - sharing stories about where they've been or what they've seen along with some personal thoughts on life itself! It's truly magical how something so simple can bring so much joy!

If you're planning on traveling soon then why not start collecting these amazing postcards? You could even create an imaginary scenario where you exchange them with other travelers along your journey – creating memories that will last forever!

When using Book: Titina And Friends Around The World | Postcard Market make sure you take time choosing which design suits best each person’s personality before sending out any messages because everyone has different tastes when it comes down selecting images related themes such food stadiums vs Christmas cards; therefore always try finding common ground between both parties involved in order avoid misunderstandings later down the line.

One of the best practices for using this product is to keep a record of all the postcards you receive and where they came from. This will help you remember your travels and also serve as a reminder of all the amazing people you've met along the way!

The cultural significance related to this product's theme is that it promotes diversity, encourages exploration, and celebrates human connection through travel experiences. It reminds us that no matter where we come from or what our backgrounds are – we can always find common ground in our shared love for adventure!

In conclusion, Book: Titina And Friends Around The World | Postcard Market is an excellent choice for anyone who loves traveling or collecting postcards as souvenirs. With its unique designs catering to different interests such as flags of countries around world maps happy creatures like cats national symbols flora fauna etc., there's something here everyone! So why not start exploring today?

Titina and Friends learning travelling! First book made about a series of postcards!


Special gift, available only as a gift: Palermo card signed by the author!

Containing colorful maps of each European Union country in the author's view,  plus some other great images!

Who’s Titina?
You surely are wondering if she’s a girl. She isn’t. She is a cat, a lovely ginger cat. She does love her favorite
pillow on the sofa, like every cat does, but she’s also very curious and she loves adventures.
That’s why she decided to travel around the world together with her friends.
Who are Titina’s friends? There’s Mimi, Charlie, Gigia, Rupert, Tap, Pap, Pearl and many more...

*A must have for each postcard collector!*

Illustration: Swonild Ilenia Genovese, 2021

Technical data:

20 x 20 cm

Text: English Language

Preview/ Example:

Softcover - with softtouch and selective laquer technique printing - 350 grams/sqm

Inside offset paper - 170 grams/sqm

300 grams - 68 color pages