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Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - France (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists Vente
Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - France (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists Vente

Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - France (bundle of 5 cards)

3.95 € 4.30 €
The Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - France (bundle of 5 cards) is a must-have for any postcard collector or enthusiast who loves to travel and explore new cultures. This product is perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of art, as well as the joy that comes with receiving a surprise postcard in their mailbox.

The target audience for this product includes people from all walks of life, but especially those who are passionate about traveling, exploring new places and connecting with others through handwritten messages. The mood of these cards is cheerful, whimsical and playful – perfect for brightening up someone's day!

The theme revolves around French culture – each card features charming illustrations by Titina depicting different aspects of French life such as cafes, markets or landmarks like the Eiffel Tower. The communication approach used here emphasizes human connection through travel experiences.

Imagine receiving one of these beautiful postcards in your mailbox! You can almost feel yourself transported to France just by looking at them! As you hold it in your hands you can't help but smile at the thoughtfulness behind it. You take some time to admire its intricate details before flipping it over to read what your friend has written on it.

If you're an avid traveler yourself then imagine sending one out while on vacation – perhaps from a quaint little cafe overlooking Parisian streets? Or maybe even exchanging them with other travelers along your journey?

When using this product there are several best practices worth noting: always write legibly so that recipients can easily read what you've written; include interesting tidbits about where you're visiting or something unique about local culture; don't forget postage stamps!

French culture holds significant historical significance worldwide due to its influence on fashion trends throughout history among other things which makes these drawings even more special because they capture moments within french society perfectly.

In conclusion if anyone wants an authentic experience when travelling abroad without leaving home then look no further than the Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - France (bundle of 5 cards) from These postcards are a perfect way to connect with others, share your travel experiences and spread joy through the simple act of sending a handwritten message.

Titina and Friends learning about France. A colorful map in the author's view, with some cats designed near and also some famous words and icons from France.

You will receive 5 identical postcard to share them with your friends, maybe to send them via postcrossing or private swaps.

Illustration: Swonild Ilenia Genovese, 2021

Glossy, 15x10.5 cm