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World Fashion Historical Collection - China (bundle x 5 pieces) - top quality approved by Postcards Market specialists
World Fashion Historical Collection - China (bundle x 5 pieces) - top quality approved by Postcards Market specialists

World Fashion Historical Collection - China

7.50 € 
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The World Fashion Historical Collection - China is a must-have for any postcard collector or enthusiast who loves to travel and explore different cultures. This collection features five stunning postcards that showcase the rich history and fashion of China.

The target audience for this product is anyone who loves to collect postcards, especially those with an interest in fashion, culture, and history. These postcards are perfect for sending to friends and family as a way of sharing your love of travel or adding them to your personal collection.

The mood of this product is one of excitement, adventure, and discovery. The theme revolves around the beauty and elegance found in Chinese fashion throughout history. The communication approach used by focuses on bringing joy into people's lives through surprise mailboxes filled with beautiful images from around the world.

Imagine receiving one these gorgeous Chinese historical fashion-themed cards in your mailbox! You open it up eagerly anticipating what you will find inside only be greeted by an exquisite image showcasing traditional clothing worn during ancient times in China! You can't help but feel excited about learning more about their culture!

If you're someone who enjoys exchanging travel-related items like souvenirs or trinkets with others while traveling abroad then these cards would make great gifts too! Imagine meeting someone from another country while on vacation; they share their passion for collecting unique items related specifically towards cultural experiences such as yourself-what better way than exchanging some beautiful Chinese historical themed cards?

When using these products best practices include taking care when handling them so that they don't get damaged during transit; also consider writing something thoughtful on each card before mailing it out so that whoever receives it feels special knowing how much thought went into selecting just the right card!

One significant cultural significance related to this product's theme includes understanding how important clothing was throughout various periods within ancient china’s society – not just aesthetically pleasing but also symbolizing social status, wealth and power.

In conclusion, the World Fashion Historical Collection - China is a unique and beautiful addition to any postcard collection. It's perfect for anyone who loves to travel or has an interest in fashion, culture, and history. These cards are sure to bring joy into people's lives by sharing the beauty of Chinese fashion throughout history!

[Story] Every country have traditional clothes, even depending by regions. We try to collect the most important characteristics and put them in a special made hand colorized design. The paintings are made by a Romanian Designer, and he is also a church walls painter. 

Here is about a Chinese Couple - wearing traditional costumes in our artist vision.

[Informative Content] 

* Hand painting with colors and watercolors on paper

* The Flag of the Country

* Country map

* Modern Simple look

* Name of the country

On the backside it is marked the space for the address and even the space for the date of sending or a space with 10 squares for posctrossing ID (from postcrossers to posctrossers)


Hard Paper – 315 grams/ square meter è 5.5 grams per card – thicker than average – special chosen for hard transport conditions through postal services.

Matted plastic protected on the front of the postcard, also with a gorgeous selective lacquer for specific parts on the design of the card.

Size 10.5 cm by 15 cm = 4 x 6 inches = the standard for the postcard for most of the countries in the world – is the standard for postcard made by UPU (Universal Postal Union) – and implemented by USPS, La Poste, Royal Mail, PTT, Correos, Post NL. Deutsche Post and many other postal administrations.

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