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United Kingdom Map Postcard World Explorer PWE - top quality approved by specialists

PWE United Kingdom Map Postcard World Explorer

7.50 € 
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The United Kingdom Map Postcard from World Explorer PWE is the perfect product for anyone who loves to travel and explore new places. This postcard features a beautifully detailed map of the UK, with all its major cities marked out in bright colors. 🗺️🌍 The mood of this postcard is one of adventure and excitement - it's designed to inspire people to get out there and see more of the world! Whether you're planning your next trip or just dreaming about future adventures, this card will help fuel your wanderlust.

In terms of communication approach, we believe that sending someone a physical postcard is one of the most personal ways you can connect with them. It shows that you've taken time out from your own travels to think about them specifically - which makes receiving a surprise card even more special! Imagine receiving this beautiful UK map postcard from an old friend who has been traveling around Europe for months... You open up your mailbox on an ordinary day only to find something extraordinary waiting inside: A colorful reminder that they are thinking about you while exploring amazing destinations abroad! 😊✈️

This product would appeal primarily to travelers aged 25-45 years old who love collecting souvenirs, as well as those interested in cultural exchange through postal mail correspondence (pen pals). The target audience could be students studying abroad programs looking forward to sharing their experiences back home; families separated by distance but connected via shared interests like traveling together virtually using these cards; expats living overseas wanting to stay close to friends & family members at home country, etc.

If used during actual trips within England/UK region itself, imagine how fun it would be to send personalized messages along each stopover point visited? Or maybe use different colored pens/markers/stickers/etc., depending upon what type of experience was had at each location?

When compared against other similar products/collections available online today, such as generic cityscape images or touristy landmarks photoshopped onto postcards, this UK map design stands out as unique and special. It's perfect for those who want to share their love of travel with others in a more personal way.

Best practices or tips when using the United Kingdom Map Postcard from World Explorer PWE would be:
1) Write something meaningful on it - don't just send an empty card! Share your thoughts about what you've seen/done/experienced during travels so far.
2) Use colorful pens/markers/stickers/etc., depending upon mood/destination visited
3) Include some photos from the trip if possible (or print them off at a local photo shop)
4) Send cards regularly back home while traveling abroad - keep friends & family updated!
5) Join online communities like r/postcrossing where people exchange postcards worldwide!

In terms of cultural/historical significance related to the product theme, maps have always been important tools used by explorers throughout history. They helped navigate unknown territories and discover new lands that were previously uncharted. This particular UK map is not only beautiful but also informative, showing all major cities within the country, which makes it a useful reference tool too!


15x10.5 cm 

Interactive card!

Special edition of United Kingdom Map postcard: High Quality print with selective lacquer. You must keep it in your hand to feel it! 

[Story] - Educative and fun! The postcard is made with inspiration who comes to us from our passion for postcards, travelling, geography, education, modern technologies and hobby related stuff. We were looking for a solution who can include all the information we are looking for as well. We are enrolled on postcrossing site We, the creators of this postcard (Mihnea and George) we are passionate about all described above, and we look for something to fulfill our needs too. We want to help people to have a stunning and complete collection, made with high quality postcards, so, when you'll show them to your friends, they will really appreciate it. And we consider that those postcards will help as well the youngsters to learn a lot of new information! 

Next step into postcard world! QR code with National Anthem on backside of the postcard! 

[Informative Content] 

* Carefully selected information about the country

* National Currency coins

* Actual first cover of a passport

* The Flag of the Country

* Country map with highlighted landforms

* Top 5 cities marked on the country map - Capital Name highlighted

* Name of National Anthem

* Name of National Currency

* Area and population of the country - last available information

On the backside there is marked the space for the address and even the space for the date of sending or a space for posctrossing ID

Unique about the postcard: On the backside is a QR Code. When you scan that QR code – the anthem on that country (iOS not supported).



Hard Paper – 315 grams/ square meter è 5.5 grams per card – thicker than average – special chosen for hard transport conditions through postal services.

Matted plastic protected on the front of the postcard, also with a gorgeous selective lacquer for specific parts on the design of the card.

Size 10.5 cm by 15 cm = 4 x 6 inches = the standard for the postcard for most of the countries in the world – is the standard for postcard made by UPU (Universal Postal Union) – and implemented by USPS, La Poste, Royal Mail, PTT, Correos, Post NL. Deutsche Post and many other postal administrations.

[Story] - Educative and fun! The postcard is made with inspiration who comes to us from our passion for postcards, travelling, geography, education, modern technologies and hobby related stuff. We were looking for a solution who can include all the information we are looking for as well. We are enrolled on postcrossing site We, the creators of this postcard (Mihnea and George) we are passionate about all described above, and we look for something to fulfill our needs too. We want to help people to have a stunning and complete collection, made with high quality postcards, so, when you'll show them to your friends, they will really appreciate it. And we consider that those postcards will help as well the youngsters to learn a lot of new information! 

Next step into postcard world! QR code with National Anthem on backside of the postcard! 


[Informative Content] 

* Carefully selected information about the country

* National Currency coins

* Actual first cover of a passport

* The Flag of the Country

* Country map with highlighted landforms

* Top 5 cities marked on the country map - Capital Name highlighted

* Name of National Anthem

* Name of National Currency

* Area and population of the country - last available information

On the backside there is marked the space for the address and even the space for the date of sending or a space for posctrossing ID

Unique about the postcard: On the backside is a QR Code. When you scan that QR code – the anthem on that country (iOS not supported).



Hard Paper – 315 grams/ square meter è 5.5 grams per card – thicker than average – special chosen for hard transport conditions through postal services.

Matted plastic protected on the front of the postcard, also with a gorgeous selective lacquer for specific parts on the design of the card.

Size 10.5 cm by 15 cm = 4 x 6 inches = the standard for the postcard for most of the countries in the world – is the standard for postcard made by UPU (Universal Postal Union) – and implemented by USPS, La Poste, Royal Mail, PTT, Correos, Post NL. Deutsche Post and many other postal administrations.