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D013 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists SALE

Drawings D012: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle of 5 cards)

3.95 € 4.30 €
The D013 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle of 5 car| Postcards Market is a perfect product for anyone who loves to exchange postcards with friends, family or even strangers. This bundle of five postcards features beautiful winter-themed drawings by Titina and Friends that will surely bring warmth to the hearts of those who receive them.

The target audience for this product is people who love to travel, explore new places, meet new people and share their experiences through postcard exchanges. It's also great for those who appreciate art and enjoy collecting unique pieces from different parts of the world.

The mood set by these winter-themed drawings is cozy, warm and inviting. The theme revolves around friendship, joyfulness in sharing moments together during wintertime activities such as ice skating or building snowmen. The communication approach used in this product aims at creating an emotional connection between sender-receiver through visual storytelling.

Imagine receiving one of these beautiful postcards on a cold winter day when you least expect it! You open your mailbox only to find a surprise waiting inside – it's one of the D013 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle) cards! As you hold it in your hands, you can feel its texture; smooth paper with vibrant colors that make each drawing come alive!

You read the message written on its backside; maybe someone has shared their experience about visiting an ice rink or skiing down snowy slopes? Or perhaps they've simply sent warm wishes during holiday season? Whatever message they have chosen will undoubtedly brighten up your day!

If you're into traveling like me then imagine exchanging these cards while exploring different countries around the world! You could send them from Paris after enjoying hot chocolate at Angelina’s café near Louvre Museum while admiring Eiffel Tower covered with snowflakes; Or maybe from New York City, where you've just visited Rockefeller Center and skated on its famous ice rink?

When it comes to using this product, the best practice is to write a personal message that reflects your feelings towards the person receiving it. You can share your experiences or simply express how much they mean to you. It's also important to use proper postage stamps and address labels for safe delivery.

The D013 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle of 5 car| Postcards Market) has cultural significance as well since winter activities are celebrated in many parts of the world during holiday season such as Christmas markets in Germany or New Year’s Eve fireworks display at Sydney Harbour Bridge.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a unique way to connect with people around the world while sharing beautiful artwork depicting wintertime activities then look no further than D013 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - "Winter time" (bundle). This product will surely bring joyfulness into anyone's mailbox!

Titina and Friends learning about Winter Time!

Who’s Titina?
You surely are wondering if she’s a girl. She isn’t. She is a cat, a lovely ginger cat. She does love her favorite
pillow on the sofa, like every cat does, but she’s also very curious and she loves adventures.
That’s why she decided to travel around the world together with her friends.
Who are Titina’s friends? There’s Mimi, Charlie, Gigia, Rupert, Tap, Pap and many more...

A colorful postcard in the author's view.

You will receive 5 identical postcard to share with your friends, maybe to send them via postcrossing or private swaps.

Illustration: Swonild Ilenia Genovese, 2021

Glossy, 15x10.5 cm