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National Animal of the United Kingdom (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists
National Animal of the United Kingdom (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists

HB10 National Animal of the United Kingdom (bundle of 5 cards)

2.85 € 
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🦁🇬🇧 National Animal of the United Kingdom (bundle of 5 cards) 🐴🌳

Are you a postcard enthusiast who loves to collect unique and meaningful designs? Look no further than's bundle of five National Animal of the United Kingdom postcards!

This product is perfect for those who appreciate animal symbolism, British culture, or simply want to add some flair to their collection. The target audience for this product includes travelers, collectors, and anyone interested in learning more about national symbols.

The mood and theme surrounding these postcards are patriotic yet whimsical. Each card features a beautifully illustrated depiction of one of Britain's national animals: the lion, unicorn, red deer stag, bulldog or greyhound. These creatures represent strength and resilience while also embodying different aspects that make up British identity.

When using this product in an imaginary human-to-human experience scenario with another collector or traveler from England - imagine receiving one as a surprise gift from someone you met on your travels! You could then exchange stories about your favorite places visited so far while admiring each other’s collections.

As partaking in travel-related hobbies like exchanging postcards can be exciting but overwhelming at times; it is important to note that best practices include taking time selecting which ones resonate most with you before sending them out into the world!

One interesting historical significance related to these cards' themes is how they were chosen as symbols representing different parts within Great Britain over time- such as Scotland having its own distinct set compared against Wales’ choices too!

In conclusion: If you're looking for something special when it comes down collecting souvenirs during trips abroad – consider adding our National Animals Bundle into your collection today!

You will receive 5 identical postcard to share with your friends, maybe to send them via postcrossing or private swaps.

15x10.5 cm