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D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - Happy mail (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists SALE
D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - Happy mail (bundle of 5 cards) - top quality approved by specialists SALE

D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - Happy mail (bundle of 5 cards)

3.95 € 4.30 €
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The D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina and Friends - Happy mail (bundle of 5 cards) is the perfect product for anyone who loves to spread joy and happiness through postcards. This bundle features five unique drawings of Titina and her friends, each with a different message that will bring a smile to anyone's face.

The target audience for this product is people who love to send postcards as a way of connecting with others. Whether you're an avid traveler or simply enjoy sending snail mail, these postcards are sure to delight both the sender and receiver.

The mood of this product is cheerful, optimistic, and playful. The theme revolves around friendship, travel, adventure – all things that inspire us to explore new places while staying connected with our loved ones back home.

When using these postcards in an imaginary human-to-human experience scenario , imagine yourself sitting down at your desk after returning from an amazing trip abroad. You want nothing more than to share your experiences with your family and friends but don't know where or how to start. That's when you remember the D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina & Friends - Happy Mail bundle! You quickly select one card featuring one drawing depicting something special about your trip alongwith some personal message on it . Then you write down all about what made it so memorable on its backside before dropping it into mailbox .

If you're someone who enjoys exchanging travel-themed postcards as part of their hobby then this collection should definitely be added in their list . It stands out from other similar products because not only does it feature beautiful illustrations but also has messages which makes them even more special!

Some best practices/tips for using these cards include writing personalized messages instead just generic ones like "wish u were here" etc., adding stickers/ stamps / washi tapes etc., making them look creative & attractive enough so they stand out among other mails received by recipient.

In terms of cultural or historical significance, postcards have been around for over a century and were once the primary means of communication between people who lived far apart. They offer a glimpse into different cultures, traditions and ways of life which makes them even more special.

Overall, the D002 Drawings: 5 x Titina & Friends - Happy Mail bundle is an excellent product that will bring joy to anyone's day. Whether you're sending them from home or abroad , these cards are sure to make your loved ones feel appreciated and connected no matter where they are in the world!

Titina and friends sending a letter .

You will receive 5 identical postcard to share them with your friends, maybe to send them via postcrossing or private swaps.

Illustration: Swonild Ilenia Genovese, 2021

Glossy 15x10.5 cm