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Photo: Keep Calm and feel like a cat (bundle x 5 pieces) - top quality approved by specialists SALE
Photo: Keep Calm and feel like a cat (bundle x 5 pieces) - top quality approved by specialists SALE

Photo A007: Keep Calm and feel like a cat

4.50 € 6.50 €
The Photo: Keep Calm and feel like a cat is the perfect product for anyone who loves cats, travel, and human connection. This bundle of postcards features an adorable photo of a cat with the words "Keep Calm and feel like a cat" written in bold letters. The mood emojis on these postcards are sure to bring joy to anyone's day!

This product is ideal for people who enjoy sending or receiving postcards as it allows them to connect with others through their shared love of cats. It can be used by people from all walks of life - whether you're young or old, male or female.

The theme behind this product is relaxation and calmness which makes it perfect for those looking to unwind after a long day at work or school. The communication approach used in this product focuses on creating positive emotions such as happiness, joyfulness, excitement.

Imagine receiving one of these beautiful postcards in your mailbox! You open up your mailbox expecting bills but instead find an envelope addressed specifically to you containing five gorgeous photos featuring cute little kitties! You immediately smile knowing that someone was thinking about you today.

If you're into travel then exchanging these cards could be even more exciting! Imagine traveling around the world collecting different types of cards from different countries while also sharing some unique ones yourself!

When using this bundle make sure that each card has its own special message tailored specifically towards whoever will receive it so they know how much thought went into choosing just the right card for them!

Postcard exchange hobbyists will appreciate how unique each card looks compared other collections out there because not only do they feature cute kittens but also have inspiring messages printed onto them too making every single one stand out among others available online today!.

Best practices when using our products include taking time selecting just what kind suits best depending upon recipient preferences; writing personalized notes inside before mailing off; keeping track of where each card came from and who sent it to you so that you can keep in touch with those people later on.

The cultural significance behind this product is the love for cats which has been around since ancient times. Cats have always been revered as symbols of good luck, protection, and companionship throughout history making them a perfect subject matter for postcards!

In conclusion, the Photo: Keep Calm and feel like a cat is an excellent choice for anyone looking to connect with others through their shared love of cats while also enjoying some relaxation time. With its unique design featuring cute kittens alongside inspiring messages printed onto them too makes every single one stand out among other collections available online today!

I feel good!

 A great item for all cat postcard collectors. A must have in your collection too!

You will receive identical postcard to share them with your friends, maybe to send them via postcrossing or private swaps.


Hard Paper – 315 grams/ square meter - 5.5 grams per card – thicker than average – special chosen for hard transport conditions through postal services.

Glossy plastic protected on the front of the postcard.

Size 10.5 cm by 15 cm = 4 x 6 inches = the standard for the postcard for most of the countries in the world – is the standard for postcard made by UPU (Universal Postal Union) – and implemented by USPS, La Poste, Royal Mail, PTT, Correos, Post NL. Deutsche Post and many other postal administrations.